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Evidence for that the origins of Shang Dynastys Oracle-bone Inscriptions could Ascend to Ancient Sumerian Proto-Cuneiform And Re-explaining Oracle-bone Inscription with the Basic Element of Proto-Cuneiform 

摘要: 与世界上其他地区的古代文字不同,殷商甲骨文是在历史进程中突然出现的一种文字。关于甲骨文的形成及来源一直是一个悬而未决又充满争议的问题。本文分析和比较了原始楔形文字和甲骨文这二种表意文字中的各类符号和造字思想。特别是通过对二种文字中的基本符号和部首进行对比和研究后,发现很多甲骨文中的基本符号可以追溯到原始楔形文字。从造字逻辑到符号的字源进行多方位的比对,通过对一些文字的字源分析的解析,可以发现许多甲骨文中基本的文字和部首可以在原始楔形文字中找到源头,而且数量很多。由于这种由于传承关系而带来的相似性在数量和质量上都足以排除偶然形成的可能。有鉴于此可以断定甲骨文是由殷商之前二千年的原始楔形文字逐步演化而来。同时也明了汉字并不是一种来自本土的原生文字。甲骨文和冶金、马车等重要的技术一样是由中亚传入中国的重要技术另外,由于明确了这些基本符号的意义,把这些意义带入甲骨文的释读工作,可以发现更正前人的不足,让甲骨文的造字思路清晰起来。由于论文篇幅有限,全部内容过于繁杂,篇幅也会比较巨大。为了慎重其事,决定先摘录一些片段以资讨论和批评。


关键词: 甲骨文的起源,原始楔形文字,苏美尔,基本符号


Abstract: It is deference to other ancient scripts that oracle-bone inscriptions suddenly appeared in prehistorical China without any predecessors. How oralce-bone inscriptions had been created? and who created it? Those questions have been debated more than one hundred years. Proto-cuneiform is the earliest form of the cuneiform script, the earliest writing system attested in history. It emerged towards the end of the fourth millennium B.C. in ancient a region of Mesopotamia of West Asia. By comparing Sumerian proto-cuineform vs oracle-bone inscription, there are some common basic symbols could be found in both inscriptions. Those symbols had same or derivative meaning in both side. There are a lot of such symbols have been found in both side, they existed in both side simultaneously. It are sufficient and logically. Those evidences indicate that oracle-bone inscription could ascend to proto-cuineform and oracle-bone inscription did not origin in China . At same time the commmon basic symbol of both inscription could be used to re-explanation of the oracle-bone and help to understand the its real means.


Key Words: Oracle-bone inscription; Proto-cuineform; Sumerian;Original of the Oracle-bone inscriptions 

最近发了个关于文字起源的视频【老何刷三观 细说史前史】第30集 文字的起源上
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