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The Second Annual Society for the Study of Early China /201403/Philadelphia

发表于 2013-9-22 21:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





Scholars interested in early China are invited to submit a paper proposal or just attend the conference.

Click here to download the announcement and call for proposals.


The Society for the Study of Early Chinas  Second Annual  Conference

Thursday, 27 March 2014, 9:00 AM 5:30 PM Philadelphia Marriott Downtown



More than 40 scholars attended the Societys first annual conference on 21 March 2013 and heard a broad range of outstanding papers. We hope the second annual conference will be even more successful. As in 2013, the second SSEC conference will take place the day before the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting and at the same venue.



The organizing committee invites individual proposals for presentations of 15-20 minutes concerning any aspect of early China studies. Submit proposals in PDF or DOC format to

<SSECconference2014@gmail.com>. Each proposal should include the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation and rank, contact information, paper title, and an abstract not to exceed 250 words in length. The deadline  for proposals is 15 November 2013.



Early decision option:  In response to information received about funding application deadlines in September, and in the desire to ensure the widest possible international participation in the meeting, the Organizing Committee has decided to offer the option of an early decision for affected scholars. If you would like an early decision on your proposal for funding purposes, submit it not later than 5 September 2013. In the accompanying email message, please provide specific information about the funding

body to which you are applying. In such cases, we will communicate our decision on or before 10 September 2013.



All are welcome to attend the SSEC conference in Philadelphia. If you are not a current member of the Society for the Study of Early China, we urge you to become one now by ordering its journal, Early China (see  www.earlychina.org for order forms or to pay online).

We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia! Sincerely,

The Organizing Committee

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